Monday, February 18, 2019

Work Shop Descriptions
Spring 2019

To register e-mail Sandy at by March 8

1. TITLE OF CLASS: T-Shirt  Painting of “Potted” Plant and/or Stitched Embellishments T-Shirt

DESCRIPTION: On a t-shirt, we will be painting stems, leaves and flowers and adding a pocket that looks like a flower pot. This project is very forgiving and "mistakes" can easily be hidden.
            You may also paint a shirt with a stem and add felt leaves and a layered flower with button center.
            Depending on your painting experience this project can be for beginners to advanced painters. For those who aren't as handy with the brush, you may opt to do the one with the leaves and layered flower. I consider that one to be pretty darn easy.  See photos and let your imagination get in gear.
CLASS SIZE:  Minimum 5 - Maximum 15

KIT: $3.00  (I will supply paints, acrylic gel medium and other supplies that will be needed) 

   For flower pot shirt:
1.     1 dark t-shirt (long or short-sleeved), prewashed and dried. 100% cotton is best but 50/50 will work as well. Gildan heavy cotton shirts (affordable) are available at craft stores or online or bring ones from your closet.
2.     8"x10" Scrap piece of heavy or upholstery fabric (that is soft on both sides) to use as the flower pot. You could also get a piece off of the "free table" after opening night.
3.     Hard piece of cardboard or a cutting board that is the height of the shirt and at least 3/4 as wide. You will insert this between the layers of the shirt so paint doesn't bleed through.
4.     Paint brushes in assorted tips (flat, tapered, thin liner, etc.) IKEA has a great assortment in the kids' section for a couple bucks.
5.     Water jar for cleaning brushes.
6.     Plastic paint easel tray or 4-5 small food container lids for mixing paints.
7.     Optional: Your own acrylic paints and acrylic gel medium (I will bring a multitude of paint colors and a large jar of alrylic gloss gelmedium. The medium helps the paint to be pliable once it is dry).
8.     Optional: Stencils or patterns

   For felt leaves/layered flower shirt:
1.     All items as listed for other shirt except, no need for pocket fabric.
2.     Washable felt pieces to make 5-6 leaves.
3.     4 non-fraying fabric pieces to cut out flower layers (approximately 4" in diameter).
4.     Decorative button for center of layered flower.
5.     You will be stitching the leaves on by hand or by machine (your choice). You may wish to bring embroidery thread and needle for added dimension on the leaves.

DAY & TIME:  Friday 2 PM – 4 PM

2. TITLE:   Journaling Round Table

DESCRIPTION: Do you keep a journal, art journal, sketchbook, creative planner or something of the kind? Would you like to get together with others at SBTS who keep journals of some sort?
Would you like to try journaling? It is easy and fun. Anyone can do it. There are no hard and fast rules; you do what works for you.
This is not a how-to workshop but a round table discussion. We will share what we are doing and any tips, tricks or ideas we may have. If there is time we can work in our journals together. If there are new people who want to get started we will help.
Come prepared to share 1 thing with the group. It might be a journal page or spread you especially like, a tool, a technique, a supply or an idea.  Anything goes!
KIT: None
BRING: Your journals and journaling supplies. If you have ephemera, collage fodder and stuff you no longer need, please bring it to share with the group.
         If you are new and do not know what to bring let us know and we will suggest some basics.
WORKSHOP LEADERS: Edie Evans and Sandy Sapienza will be moderators. Everyone shares in the leadership.
DAY/TIME: Wednesday 7-8:00 PM

3. TITLE OF CLASS: Port Softies

DESCRIPTION :  This project is something I was asked to do last year by a friend. They are for people going through chemo who need a cushion to cover their port from the seat belt while riding in a car. These go together in a flash, and they are a wonderful way to use up scraps of fabric and batting.   Any hospital or chemotherapy center would love to have them. This friend went through chemo herself and has taken a project on called Bags of Hope: Chemo Care Bags. She finds sponsors for each bag and includes various items that might help. The bags are filled with personal care items and items to brighten their day or time at chemo and at home. The port softie is one of the items included in each bag.
         During the workshop we will  to get together to see a sample and get the instructions. I will get people started then they can work on their own to finish. I will be available to answer questions. 
         When you are finished, if you’d like to donate your softie(s) to Bags of Hope, I will have a box available for you to put your finished softie in. I will then mail the box to the coordinator. Last year she was able to provide 60 bags to chemo patients.
If you have computer access you can also see the instructions on line at:
You can also check out her Facebook Page: Bags of Hope Chemo Care Bags


KIT: Free - Directions 

BRING: You’ll need the following materials to make ONE port softie
·      Neutral fabrics (for men and women)
o   2 pieces of fabric 5 x 7 inches for the base
o   2 pieces of fabric 3-1/2 x 4-3/4 for tabs
·      Fiberfill
·      2 one-inch squares of velcro hooks and loop piece of batting 4-1/2 x 6-1/2 inches
·      Spray fabric adhesive to attach the batting to the fabric

DAY & TIME:  Friday  10-11 AM

4. TITLE OF CLASS: Denim Feathers Wall Hanging

DESCRIPTION:  This wall hanging is about 22” x 22”.  It is fun to make and the possibilities for decorating are endless. What a great way to up-cycle old jeans! I have kept my sample very basic. If you embroider, bead, etc. go for it after your feathers are done and hung.
         If you take the class please pick up your pattern page and jeans from me EARLY in the retreat, so you can have the denim feather shapes cut out and ready. Ditto for the backing shapes.  If everyone is trying to do that at the same time we will never get to the fun part. Directions for the pre work will be on the pattern page. It is simply…cut the patterns out, iron them to the FLAT FELLED denim seam. Cut feather shapes out. Iron stabilizer to backing fabric. Cut backing shapes out.  All ready for feathering and assembly.

CLASS SIZE:  5 min – 20 max

KIT: $7   Kit includes patterns on freezer paper, back stabilizer, back fabric, jute cords, various ribbons, cords, edgings etc.  A “cool” branch, (I’ll have a variety)… Large Hole wooden beads, Denim Jeans… (Thank You folks for the jeans donations!)  Other stuff as I think of additions.

BRING:  Scissors for paper and fabric. Hot glue gun if you have one. 


DAY & TIME:  Saturday 2 PM - 4 PM

5. TITLE OF CLASS: Bookfolding

DESCRIPTION:  Bookfolding is an art form that transforms an old book into a paper sculpture. Learn how to fold the pages of a book to achieve a design. Though it looks very complicated it is actually easy when you work step-by-step.   We will do a heart shape in class. Once you know the basics you can try other forms, and even words!
CLASS SIZE: 1 min – 10 max.

KIT:  Pattern - $2.00 each

BRING:  Book (The book should be a hard cover book with at least 355 pages and be at least 22 cm/9” tall.), ruler with cm. markings, mechanical pencil, creasing tool (like a bone folder, or you can use your room card or scissor handle.)


DAY & TIME:  Thursday 10- 12 noon

6. TITLE OF CLASS: Sea Glass Under Resin

DESCRIPTION: Create an 8”x10” Window using sea glass, shells, starfish, and other beach items.  

CLASS SIZE:  3 Minimum, 10 Maximum  

KIT:  All supplies will be provided. $20.  

BRING: If desired, feel free to bring any special beach treasures (jewelry is also beautiful to add).


DAY & TIME:  Thursday  2:30 - 4:00 PM


DESCRIPTION:   We will make a handy 14'' X 16" X 4" tote bag. It is just perfect for packing your lunch or a project. There are mesh pockets and a zipper pocket. It is very versatile.

CLASS SIZE:  3 min.,  12 max.

KIT: $18    The kit has almost all your supplies: Various precut fabric, mesh, zipper, and pattern are all included

BRING:  Sewing machine with zipper foot, thread, scissors, etc.

WORKSHOP LEADER: Lillian Kreider

DAY & TIME:  Friday 7 – 8:30 PM

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